Ozone disinfection| Broom.sk

Ozone disinfection

Ozone is one of the most effective disinfectants. In high concentrations, it is effective in combating pathogens in the air and water and eliminates odors in the air. It can eliminate all bacteria, fungi, viruses, mites and pathogenic microorganisms that can adversely affect humans. But it is safe for humans. It affects not only invisible microorganisms, but also insects - whether fleas, lice, mosquitoes or flies. Does not cause allergic reactions. Eliminates odors of organic and inorganic origin. Ozone repeated at least twice a year improves the quality of life of allergy and asthma sufferers by destroying irritating fungi, molds and allergens. Ozone is the strongest ecological oxidant. It is up to 50 times more effective than chlorine and 100 times more effective than commonly available chlorine-based chemical cleaners.

Ozone price list:

  • Up to 25m2 - 20 euros
  • Up to 50m2 - 35 euros
  • Up to 100 m2 - 60 euros
  • Up to 200 m2 - 100 euros
  • Up to 300 m2 - 150 euros
  • Up to 400 m2 - 200 euros
  • More than 400 m2 - by agreement

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tel. číslo: 0949 345 627 email: info@broom.sk

Broom s.r.o

Vištuk 368, 90085 Vištuk

IČO: 53520424

DIČ: 2121415252

Ecological cleaning services Broom

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